Covid Health and Safety Guidelines
Kids For Kids Academy remains committed to the health and safety of our students.
- Although we understand that as of Friday 2/25/2022, DCF announced that they are no longer requiring children in childcare to wear masks, we at Kid For Kids Academy strongly recommend that they do.
- As a parent, it is your choice to make. If your child arrives at school wearing a mask, we will encourage and support them to keep it on.
- We will continue to offer free masks to all children to facilitate this.
- As an extra measure of protection, our kids in VPK and Kindergarten through Second Grade will continue work within individual plexiglass workspaces.
- Our staff will continue to wear masks and we ask that if you approach the door that you continue to wear one too.
- All students and staff will undergo daily temperature checks.
- The school will be cleaned and sanitized daily.
- Students will not mix with other age groups.
- All children will wash hands upon entry to the facility.
- The health and safety of your child is our #1 Priority.
COVID-19 Guidance for Child Care Facilities and Providers:
- Children who have a COVID -19 exposure or close contact, but have no symptoms, are not required to quarantine, and can remain in the classroom.
- If a child is COVID-19 symptomatic or COVID-19 positive, they should stay home while symptoms persist. The child will be able to return to the classroom after 5 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and are fever free for 24 hours.
- After an exposure, close contact, or positive COVID-19 diagnosis, a negative COVID-19 test is not required for a child to be able to return to school.
- Masking Guidance – Children in a childcare facility are not required to wear a mask or face covering.
- Childcare facilities are encouraged to continue to routinely clean classrooms and high traffic areas.
- Children and staff are encouraged to practice routine handwashing throughout the day.
Updated guidance from the Department of Health can be found here.
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