Dear Parents,
In the next few weeks, our school will be switching from EZCARE and LifeCubby to using Brightwheel, a tool for classroom management, communication, photos, videos, online bill pay, and much more. Brightwheel is the industry leader in early education, proven to save time for staff, allowing for measurably more time with students, while also delivering a much better experience for parents.
Easy steps to follow:
- Create a free Brightwheel account. When you receive an invitation via email or text, please create a free parent account using either the web or mobile app.Make sure to use the same email address or cell phone number that the invitation was sent to. Here is a quick video overview.
- Confirm your child’s profile. You will see your child’s profile after you create an account – you can confirm information such as birthday, allergies, and additional contacts. If you do not see your child’s profile, please contact us with the email address or phone number you used to sign up. You will not see updates within Brightwheel until we start to use it regularly. Please take a moment to update any fields like address that are empty. You can also review and add additional authorized individuals for pick up.
- Set your account preferences. You can adjust your notification preferences within your profile settings on the app.
- Add your payment information. Brightwheel offers secure, automated online payments that saves time for us and gives you advanced tools and reporting. Please add your payment information. Here is an online Payments Setup Guide with more info. We are asking all parents who were on EFT with EZCARE to please enter your banking information in Bright Wheel. We cannot do this for you. We will draft two more weeks using EZCARE. On November 9th, we will move to drafting with BrightWheel. All parents are asked to put their banking information in the app before November 2nd. There is no charge for this feature. You can also put in your credit card information, but please be aware credit card fees will apply. Parents who currently pay through Zelle and Cash App can continue doing this. BrightWheel will automatically send out email invoices to everyone every Thursday or Friday.
- Brightwheel will also automate and make our sign in and out process touchless an reduce wait time. Once you have downloaded the app to your phone, all you will need to do is walk up to a scan code (they will be on 8 windows). The scan code will open your family account and you can put in your Bright Wheel pin right on your own phone. Starting October 26th we will start using this app for sign in and out.
- We will phase in the system slowly. October 23th we will stop using Life Cubby so all of your notification, daily sheets, and photo will be in Bright Wheel starting October 26th.
10/16 Parents will receive email with sign up information
10/26 Brightwheel will replace Life Cubby
11/2 Parents will start signing in and out in the app
11/2 Parents asked to have their banking information updated
11/9 Parents will be billed and drafted with Brightwheel
See a video tutorial below
We’re excited to be adding this state-of-the-art system and hope you enjoy it!