Hands-On Minds-On Education Sparks Imagination
A Unique Learning Experience Filled With Discover, Wonder, Caring, And Sharing
Preschool & Daycare Serving Miami, FL
Author of award-winning
books on early learning

Innovative Learning Designed By An Author, Teacher, And Mother
Learn Practical Activities For School Success Now
Books That Support Emotional Awareness
Books For Kids That Spark Imaginations
Resources For Teachers & Parents To Get Hands-On
Beth Davis’s books provide inspiring support for parents and teachers. Filled with STEM activities, “Hands-On Science and Math” offers easy ways to engage kids in learning through their senses. “You Are Never Too Small To Make A Big Difference” guides grown-ups to help children develop empathy.

National Board Certified Teacher
learning as they explore
The Hands On Minds On approach recognizes that what might be seen as play by some, is actually a child’s way or “working” and learning as they explore.
17-Years of Classroom experience
Its key concepts are modeled after Davis’ research, and her classroom experience over 17-years as a classroom teacher and elementary science lab teacher.
hands-on science
In that research, she proved what most of us know intuitively: Children exposed to hands-on science instruction excel more than students limited to textbook learning or worksheets.
the children showed
the highest gains

Quest for Discovery
A large part of the curriculum is also based on teacher collaboration. We believe every teacher has unique talents, and our leadership values and nurtures them.
Likewise, we believe every child has unique talents that we’re committed to nurturing to help them reach their developmental milestones.
Davis holds a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, A Masters Degree in T.E.S.O.L (Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages), and an Educational Specialist Degree in Computer Education. She has also published curriculum for TS. Denison Instructional Fair and Miami-Dade County Public Schools, taught in the College of Education at Barry University, acted as a curriculum consultant for the Florida Department of Education, and is a workshop presenter for teachers.
Explore our Early Childhood Programs

Early Toddlers
12-18 months

1 ½ - 2 ½ Years

2 ½ - 3 ½ Years

4 by September 1

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Early Toddlers
12-18 months

1 ½ - 2 ½ Years

2 ½ - 3 ½ Years

4 by September 1